Category: Email security

Malware Detected Warning Screen with abstract binary code 3d digital concept

How Does Malware Work?

Malware threats have been around since the birth of computing. But what exactly is malware? In this blog post, we will define malware, introduce the different types of malware, and explain how it works. We will also describe the warning signs of an infected device and explain how anti-malware software can keep your device safe. 

What is Malware? 

Malware is an umbrella term for any type of “malicious software” that is designed to infiltrate your device without your knowledge, cause damage or disruption to your system, or steal data. Adware, spyware, viruses, botnets, trojans, worms, rootkits, and ransomware all fall under the definition of malware. 


How does Malware work? 

For malware to work, it usually needs you to do something first to get the software on your computer. That means clicking a link, opening an attachment, or visiting an infected website. Once on your machine, the malware’s payload begins the task it is designed to perform — stealing your data, encrypting your files, installing additional malware, and so on. 

Malware will stay on your system until it is detected and removed. Unfortunately, some malicious software will try to block or hide from any antivirus apps or other security tools you may have. 


Why do hackers and cybercriminals use Malware? 

Hacking and malware go hand-in-hand, computer hacking means gaining unauthorized access to a device or network, which is often done through malicious code. And with malware source code widely available on the dark web, even pedestrian cybercrooks can get access easily. 

The use of malicious software not only helps hackers evade security protocols more effectively, it allows them to more easily target large numbers of victims, and perpetrate a wide range of sophisticated cybercrimes including fraud, extortion, data theft, and denial of service attacks. 


Common types of Malware 

  • Ransomware: Ransomware is a malicious software that encrypts a victim’s files or locks their entire system until a ransom is paid. Once the ransom is paid, the attacker may provide a decryption key to unlock the files or restore access to the system.
  • Spyware: Spyware is designed to gather information about a user or organization without their knowledge. It secretly monitors activities, such as keystrokes, web browsing habits, and personal information, and transmits this data to the attacker.
  • Worms: Worms are self-replicating malware that spread across networks without any user intervention. They exploit security vulnerabilities to infect devices and can replicate themselves to infect other connected devices, causing network congestion and potential damage to systems.
  • Adware: Adware, short for advertising-supported software, is a type of malware that displays unwanted advertisements on a user’s device. It often comes bundled with legitimate software and generates revenue for the attacker by displaying intrusive ads or redirecting users to malicious websites.
  • Trojans: Trojans, or Trojan horses, disguise themselves as legitimate software or files to deceive users into downloading or executing them. Once activated, Trojans can perform various malicious activities, such as stealing sensitive data, creating backdoors for other malware, or enabling remote control of the infected system.
  • Botnets: Botnets are networks of compromised computers, often referred to as “zombies” or “bots,” that are controlled by a central command and control (C&C) server. Botnets are typically used for malicious purposes, such as launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, sending spam emails, or performing large-scale cyber attacks.
  • Rootkits: Rootkits are sophisticated malware designed to gain unauthorized access to a computer or network while hiding their presence. They manipulate the operating system to provide privileged access to attackers, allowing them to install other malware, steal data, or control the compromised system remotely.
  • Browser hijackers: Browser hijackers modify a user’s web browser settings without their consent, redirecting them to unwanted websites or altering the default search engine. They often come in the form of browser extensions or add-ons and can lead to privacy issues and the exposure of sensitive information.
  • Cryptominers: Cryptominers, or cryptocurrency miners, exploit a computer’s processing power to mine cryptocurrencies without the user’s consent. They consume system resources, slow down the computer, and can cause increased energy consumption and reduced hardware lifespan.
  • Logic bombs: Logic bombs are malware programs that are triggered by specific events or conditions. They lie dormant until the predefined trigger occurs, at which point they execute malicious actions, such as deleting files, causing system crashes, or spreading to other devices.

Which devices can be affected? 

No device is immune to malware — desktops, laptops, mobiles, and tablets are all susceptible. Along with securing your home network with firewall protection, make sure each of your devices is defended with anti-malware software. 

 How to know if your device has been infected. 

  • Your device begins running slower than usual. 
  • You notice a shortage of available storage space. 
  • Pop-ups and unwanted programs appear on your device. 


How to protect against Malware 

The best way to protect against the different types of malware is to use comprehensive anti-malware software that detects, blocks, and removes viruses.

How to reduce your exposure to ransomware 

  • Don’t click shady pop-ups or banner ads.
  • Avoid links, email attachments, and downloads you’re unsure of.
  • Keep your software updated to benefit from the latest security patches.  
  • Only install mobile apps downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
  • Check the ratings and reviews before downloading any programs on your computer.
  • Be extra careful when using P2P networks.
  • Back up your system regularly to minimize the potential impact of data loss. 


In conclusion, malware operates through a variety of methods to compromise the security and integrity of computer systems and networks. Whether it is through the use of deceptive tactics, exploiting vulnerabilities, or employing sophisticated techniques, malware can infiltrate devices, steal sensitive information, disrupt operations, and cause significant damage. The constantly evolving nature of malware poses ongoing challenges for individuals, organizations, and cybersecurity professionals. It underscores the importance of adopting robust security measures, staying vigilant against suspicious activities, and regularly updating software to defend against the ever-present threat of malware. By understanding how malware works and taking proactive steps to mitigate its risks, you can enhance your digital resilience and safeguard your systems and data from malicious attacks.

Do you have questions on how to find the perfect cybersecurity solution for your business? Enov8 Solutions can help you. Email us at to get started.

Network security image

The importance of Network Security 

Network security is a vital policy within computer networking systems that serves to safeguard organizational assets, software, and hardware resources. This term encompasses a range of measures designed to monitor and control access, prevent misuse, and thwart unauthorized modifications to network systems, thereby ensuring the integrity and security of valuable resources. 

Why is Network security important? 

With the widespread adoption of digital technology in our daily lives, the use of the internet has experienced an unprecedented surge. However, this trend has also led to an increase in the activities of malicious hackers and attackers, thereby making our networking systems more vulnerable to virus attacks. 

The primary purpose of network security is twofold. Firstly, it seeks to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, and secondly, it aims to provide security for data stored on individual computers or laptops, as well as on shared or public domain networks. 

The need for information security is based on several critical factors, such as safeguarding information from unwanted access, ensuring data is delivered to its intended destination within an acceptable time frame, preventing unauthorized modifications to data, and protecting against attacks.  

Additionally, network security is essential to safeguard hardware devices like hard disks, PCs, and laptops from malicious attacks by malware and viruses that can corrupt or delete stored content, potentially causing irreparable damage to the system.  

 Types of network security tools 

1) Antivirus and anti-malware software:

Antivirus and anti-malware software are crucial protection tools that safeguard your system against viruses, trojan horse attacks, worms, and other malicious threats. These software solutions efficiently scan your system and network for malware and trojan horse attacks every time a new file is introduced into your system. Moreover, they proactively detect and promptly fix any problems found in infected data or viruses, ensuring the security and stability of your system. 

2) Data Loss Prevention (DLP):

Data confidentiality is paramount for multinational corporations and large organizations, and they ensure it by deploying cutting-edge DLP technology. This technology empowers network administrators to limit employee access to information and prevent sharing with the outside world by blocking ports and sites for forwarding, uploading, or printing information. With DLP, confidential information remains secure, and data breaches become a thing of the past. 

3) Email security:

Emails are often the primary targets of cyber attackers who try to lure unsuspecting victims into their network by sending viruses or malware. That’s why highly skilled email security applications are indispensable in today’s digital landscape. These applications scan incoming messages for viruses, filter out suspicious data, and exercise strict control over message exfiltration to prevent the loss of valuable information from your system. With robust email security in place, you can be rest assured that your network is secure from any email-based cyber-attacks. 

4) Firewall:

Firewalls are a critical component of any networking system. Acting as a barrier between two networks or devices, firewalls use a set of predefined rules to prevent unauthorized access to the network. There are two types of firewalls: hardware and software. Software firewalls provide protection against various types of attacks by filtering, blocking, and fixing unwanted creatures on the network. On the other hand, hardware firewalls act as gateways between two networking systems, allowing only certain predefined users or traffic to access a network and its resources. Additionally, Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is a network security system that uses a set of rules to identify and block threats, further enhancing network security. 

5) Mobile Security:

Mobile devices are vulnerable to cyber attacks, with cybercriminals using data facilities and unsecured resource links on websites to gain access to sensitive information. Therefore, it is essential to install antivirus software on mobile devices and only download or upload data from trusted resources and secure websites to ensure mobile security. 

6) Split the network:

To safeguard sensitive data, software-based organizations split it into multiple parts and store it in various locations on multiple resources or devices. This technique ensures that if data in any location is corrupted or deleted by a virus attack, it can be reconstructed from a backup source. Splitting the network is an effective way of securing critical data and ensuring that it remains available even in the event of a security breach. 

 7) Web Security:

Web security involves providing restricted access to websites and URLs by blocking vulnerable sites susceptible to viruses and hackers. This ensures web-based threat control, safeguarding the network against malicious attacks and data breaches. 

8) Endpoint Security:

In networking systems where users operate from remote locations and access critical databases from devices such as mobile phones or laptops, endpoint security is essential. Advanced endpoint security features built into various software provide seven layers of security, including file reputation, automatic sandbox, web filtering, antivirus software, and firewall. This ensures the protection of the network and the data it holds, regardless of the endpoint device used. 

9) Access Control:

To ensure that not everyone has access to all network resources, networks are designed with a password, unique user ID, and authentication process to control access to the network. This process is referred to as access control and is crucial in securing networks and protecting sensitive data. 

10) Virtual Private Network (VPN):

To secure systems by using cryptographic methods for authentication and streamlining data traffic over the internet to remotely connected devices or networks, VPN networks are used.  A VPN network provides an additional layer of security, making it difficult for cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to the network or the data it holds. 


How to make your systems secure 

  1. Set a Strong Password: Protecting your system or network from malicious attacks starts with setting a strong password for login and access. A strong password should consist of a combination of letters, symbols, and numbers. Avoid using personal information such as your birthday, as it can be easily guessed by hackers. By setting a strong password, you make it difficult for hackers to gain unauthorized access to your system or network. 
  2. Firewall Settings: Installing a strong firewall on your network systems is essential to protecting them from unwanted access or other threats. Configuring firewall settings correctly can help prevent malicious attacks, ensuring your network security. 
  3. Antivirus Protection: Installing antivirus software on your system and laptop is crucial to protecting your devices from viruses and malware. Antivirus software scans, detects, and filters infected files, as well as fixes problems caused by virus attacks on your system. By having an effective antivirus solution, you can safeguard your devices against harmful threats, ensuring their smooth operation. 
  4. Regular Updates: Keeping your system and network updated with the latest antivirus software version and patches is critical to maintaining their security. Updating your system according to its needs minimizes the chances of virus attacks, as new updates often include security patches and fixes to known vulnerabilities. Regular updates help to ensure your network is secure, protecting it from potential security breaches. 
  5. Protect Portable Devices: Portable devices such as laptops and mobile phones are highly susceptible to security breaches. Hence, it is crucial to secure them by setting up strong passwords and enabling biometric authentication for accessing important resources. 
  6. Regular Data Backup: To safeguard your valuable data and documents, it is recommended to regularly back up your system’s files and documents to a secure location or central server. This ensures that in case of emergencies, you can easily restore your system and access your important files. 
  7. Safe Browsing Practices: In today’s digital age, a single wrong click on a website or link can expose you to multiple network threats. Hence, it is advisable to download data only from trusted and secure links, avoid visiting unknown websites, and be cautious of ads and offers displayed on webpages. 



In conclusion, network security is crucial in today’s technology-driven world. We explored various types of security measures, including strong passwords, firewalls, antivirus software, regular updates, and multi-level security to ensure the safety of your network systems. 

By following the tips mentioned in this blog, you can protect your system from virus and Trojan attacks, guard your laptops and cell phones, backup important data, surf safely on the internet, and control removable media. 

It is essential to take network security seriously and implement the necessary measures to protect your sensitive data and devices from unauthorized access. Remember to stay updated with the latest security practices and be vigilant in safeguarding your network systems. 




How to prevent Phishing attacks: Types & tips to spot phishing emails

Phishing scams try to trick you into revealing sensitive data or downloading malware, that often lead to identity theft, credit card fraud, or other cybercrimes.

In this blog, you will learn all about phishing and how to prevent it.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is an online scam in which attackers send you a fake message (usually by email) to trick you into revealing sensitive information (like login or credit card details) or downloading malware on your device.

Types of Phishing attacks

Phishing can be done through various methods and techniques, including email, social media, phone calls, or text messages.

Here’s a brief explanation to help you understand better:

This is the most common type of phishing attack. In this technique, the attacker sends a fraudulent email that appears to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank, social media platform, or e-commerce site. The email often contains a link or attachment that, when clicked, directs the user to a fake website designed to steal their login credentials or other personal information.

  • Spear Phishing

This is a more targeted form of phishing where the attacker sends personalized emails to a specific individual or organization. The attacker often uses information gathered from public sources, such as social media profiles or company websites, to make the email appear more convincing. The goal is to trick the recipient into clicking on a malicious link or attachment.

  • Whale Phishing

Also known as CEO fraud or business email compromise, this technique targets high-level executives or employees with access to sensitive company information or finances. The attacker impersonates the CEO or another high-ranking official and requests that the target transfer money or provide confidential data.

  • Vishing and Smishing

These are variations of phishing that use voice (Vishing) or text messages (Smishing) instead of email to trick the victim into providing personal information or performing an action. The attacker may claim to be a bank or government agency and ask the victim to call a phone number or click on a link to resolve an urgent issue.

  • Angler Phishing

This type of phishing occurs on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. The attacker creates a fake profile and posts links to fake websites or malicious content. The goal is to trick people into clicking on the links or downloading malware. This technique is also known as social phishing.

How to spot a phishing email

Spot a phishing email by looking out for the following characteristics:

  • Unofficial sender address

The email appears to come from a legitimate source, but upon closer inspection, you will find out that the sender’s email address is unofficial. For example, instead of an email address ending in “,” the sender’s email address may be “” or another unofficial domain. This is a red flag that the email is likely a phishing attempt.

  • Generic greeting

Phishing emails often use a generic greeting such as “Dear customer” instead of addressing the recipient by name. This is because the attacker does not have the recipient’s name and is attempting to cast a wide net to reach as many potential victims as possible.

  • Urgent requests, threats or prizes

Phishing emails may contain urgent requests, threats or promises of prizes to induce the recipient to take action. For example, an email sender may claim that the recipient’s account has been compromised and needs to be updated immediately, or that there will be consequences if the recipient fails to respond. These are tactics used to create a sense of urgency and prompt the recipient to take action without thinking things through.

  • Grammar/ spelling mistakes

Phishing emails often contain spelling and grammar mistakes or awkward sentence structures that suggest the email was not written by a native English speaker. These mistakes are often an indicator that the email is a phishing attempt.

  • Links, buttons & unsolicited attachments

Phishing emails may contain links to fake websites that look like legitimate ones, or buttons that lead to malware or virus downloads. They may also include unsolicited attachments that contain malware. Before clicking on any link or downloading any attachment, it’s important to verify the source of the email and ensure that it’s legitimate. One way to do this is to hover over the link without clicking on it to see where it leads. Another way is to check the sender’s email address against the official domain name of the organization they claim to represent.

How to prevent phishing attacks

Take the following steps to prevent phishing attacks:

  • Secure your email

Secure your email by using a strong password and enabling two-factor authentication. This can help prevent unauthorized access to your email account and stop phishing emails from being sent from your account.

  • Beware of links & attachments

Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown or suspicious sources. Always verify the sender’s email address and check the URL of the link before clicking on it. When in doubt, don’t click on it and delete the email.

  • Don’t respond to spam

Do not respond to spam emails or unsolicited messages, even if they look legitimate. Spam emails are often used as a way to get you to provide personal information or download malware. You should mark spam emails as junk and delete them immediately.

  • Install antivirus software

Installing reputable antivirus software on your computer and devices can help detect and remove malware that may have been downloaded unknowingly through a phishing email or malicious website.

  • Keep your devices up to date

Keep your operating system, email client, and browser up to date with the latest security patches and updates. This can help protect your devices from vulnerabilities and exploits.

  • Use Strong passwords and 2FA

Use strong, unique passwords for all of your online accounts, and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible. 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring an additional factor, such as a fingerprint or a code sent to your phone, to access your account.

  • Back up your data

Regularly back up important data on your computer and devices to protect against data loss in the event of a malware attack or system failure. This can also help recover from a ransomware attack.

How To Protect your organization from phishing attacks

Here’s how to minimize the risk of phishing to your business:

  • Enable spam and phishing filters

Enable spam and phishing filters on your email server and email clients to automatically filter out and block malicious emails before they reach your employees’ inboxes. This can help reduce the risk of phishing attacks and other types of email-based threats.

  • Train your team

Provide regular training to your employees on how to identify and avoid phishing attacks. This training can include simulated phishing exercises, which can help your employees recognize and respond to phishing attempts.

  • Enforce strong passwords and 2FA

Enforce the use of strong, complex passwords for all employee accounts and require the use of two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible. This can help prevent unauthorized access to your company’s sensitive data and systems.

  • Get corporate antivirus

Install reputable antivirus software on all of your business devices to protect against malware, viruses, and other types of cyber threats. Ensure that the antivirus software is kept up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.

  • Protect critical data

Identify and prioritize your company’s critical data and systems and implement additional security measures to protect them. This can include data encryption, access controls, and data loss prevention (DLP) solutions.

  • Back up your data

Regularly back up all of your company’s data to an off-site location or cloud storage service. This can help ensure that your data is safe from malware attacks, hardware failures, or other types of data loss.

By implementing these measures, businesses can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to phishing attacks and other types of cyber threats. However, it is important to regularly review and update your cybersecurity strategy to ensure that you are adequately protecting your business from the latest threats.


The most common reasons mentioned as motivations for phishing are 10% for disruption of site services and 6% for financial gains. 

From bulk spam to targeted whaling, phishing remains one of the main ways scammers commit online fraud, and we’re all targets.

Since phishing relies on human error, vigilance is the best defense. If you receive a message with signs of phishing, don’t open or respond to it. Delete it.B

But we’re all human, and even seasoned IT security experts can fall for phishing sometimes. That’s why you need to take steps to reduce the risk.

Do you have questions on how to find the perfect cybersecurity solution for your business? Enov8 Solutions can help you. Email us at to get started.





Email Hacked? Seven steps you must take now

Email Hacked?

Seven steps you must take immediately.

So the scenario is pretty simple, for one reason or another, you found out that your email account has somehow been compromised. What do you do next?

We are going to give you seven steps to follow.


  • Recover your account.


You need to be able to log in to do anything else to your account to secure it after a compromise.

So, follow the recovery procedure provided by your service provider. That typically entails tapping on a link that says I have forgotten my password or I have lost access to my account. You will be guided through a process by that service to demonstrate your identity and why you should be granted access to your account.

Now, the most frequently asked question is, What if I am unable to log into my account? What if my restored data is no longer accurate? What if it simply doesn’t function?

If you can’t log into your account, some email providers give advice on how to restore hacked accounts. so you might be requested to fill out a form to ascertain that it is you who is trying to log into your account.


  • Change your password


If you are able to log into your email, change the password immediately. And of course, make it long and strong and secure.

Make it at least 16 characters long with a variety of random characters. If the service permits it, make it a multi-word phrase.

The hacker may still have access to your account even after you log in or retrieve your password. Changing the password to something they don not know and cannot predict is one method you can use to disable that.


  • Verify and or change your account recovery information.


The fact that you have been able to get back into your account means that your recovery information is still there. But make sure it is all set to something that you still have access to.


  • Check your out of office messages, the auto responders, the forwards and the signatures.


Basically, anything that somebody who had access to your account could have changed while they had access.

Sometimes, when hackers gain access to an account, rather than take it away completely, they simply do things like change your signature, or set up an automatic forward or change a reply-to, so that when people reply to your email, it goes to them, instead.

Your email account offers a lot of customization options. You need to confirm that those have not been changed and are still set to what you anticipated them to be, depending on your service provider.


  • Check if related accounts have been compromised.


If they have access to this email account, they may have used it to gain access to other accounts.

This is probably the most terrifying scenario because you need to check all of your other accounts to make sure none of them have been affected, particularly if you can’t access the account anymore and you use this as your main email address. The hacker could request a password change on those other accounts while they have access to your account if this is the account that is used as the email address on other online services.

This implies that they could hack into your Dropbox account, Microsoft account, and any other web accounts you may have by hacking into your main email account. Therefore, be sure to know precisely to which other accounts they might have had access.


  • Let your contacts know.


You need to inform your connections to ignore anything that came from you while your account was compromised. So that they do not fall for any of the tricks that the scammer may have sent out while they had access to your account.


  • Prevent it


Be proactive

Account hacks are happening all the time. And it is one of those situations where people do not understand how important some of this security is until it hits them.

How about having security in place to prevent it?

Enov8 Solutions’ objective is simple, your data is our top priority, and our Cybersecurity solutions safeguard your file and email systems against malware, ransomware, advanced persistent attacks, and insider threats.

If you have questions on how to find the perfect Cybersecurity solution for your email security? Then email us at


If you have had your account hacked, there was a reason. It could be as a result of your security habits like using weak passwords, ignoring software updates, clicking unverified links, ignoring MFAs etc

Some hygienic security habits are

  1. Creating strong passwords and never sharing them with anybody.
  2. Ability to recognize phishing emails.
  3. Keeping the operating system and other applications on your system as up-to-date.
  4. Turning on Multi factor authentication – MFAs are like silver bullets. If a hacker gets your password, they still will be unable to log in without that second factor that only you have. So turn on MFA on your accounts now.

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